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"The Asian Journal of Legal Education primarily aims to promote continuous academic research and dialogue among the legal fraternity about the reform of legal education in the Asian Region. Sharing of experiences and concerns about issues involving pedagogy of law, legal aid, promoting access to justice by law schools and experiential learning of law to strengthen efforts of justice education will be of great interest for the journal." From the Asian Journal of Legal Education Website

"The Clinical Law Review (ISSN 1079-1159) is a semi-annual peer-edited journal devoted to issues of lawyering theory and clinical legal education. The Review is jointly sponsored by the Association of American Law Schools (AALS), the Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA), and New York University School of Law. The views expressed in the Review are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the sponsoring organizations, the institutions with which the authors are affiliated, or others.

The Review welcomes unsolicited articles (as well as essays, comments, and other types of shorter pieces) on lawyering, clinical teaching, legal practice, or related subjects. Text and citations should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (18th ed.). Because the Review employs a system of anonymous peer review of manuscripts as part of its process of selecting articles for publication, manuscripts should not bear the author's name or identifying information." From NYU Law Website

The Clinical Law Review hold its Clinical Writers’ Workshops at NYU Law School in September of every year. The Workshop provides an opportunity for clinical teachers who are writing about any subject (clinical pedagogy, substantive law, interdisciplinary analysis, empirical work, etc.) to meet with other clinicians writing on related topics to discuss their works-in-progress and brainstorm ideas for further development of their articles. Attendees will meet in small groups organized, to the extent possible, by the subject matter in which they are writing. Each group will “workshop” the draft of each member of the group. Participation in the Workshop requires the submission of a paper because the workshop takes the form of small group sessions in which all members of the group comment on each other’s manuscripts. 


Information about the Workshop – including the Registration form, scholarship application form, and information for reserving hotel rooms – is available on-line at: For more information, contact Randy Hertz at

"The International Journal of Clinical Legal Education is an international peer reviewed open access journal devoted to the innovative field of clinical legal education.


The International Journal of Clinical Legal Education publishes a range of articles, including: reviewed articles, practice reports, from the field, editorials and reviews. One of the ways in which we will be helping readers to navigate is by grouping papers in the following strands:

  • Clinic, the University and Society: this strand addresses the role of clinic as an instrument for civic engagement, access to justice and societal change.  

  • Teaching and Learning in Clinic: this strand investigates the curriculum, pedagogy and assessment used to prepare students for and support students during their clinical experience.

  • Research and Impact:  this strand will focus on the evidence base for clinical education and will explore the weight of evidence and the knowledge claims. 

We welcome submissions from practitioners from all legal and educational jurisdictions and from allied fields." From IJCLE Website

"The journal organizes an annual conference with the first International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference being held in London in July 2003, the conference has been hosted in South Africa, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, England and Spain with the latest being held in the Czech Republic. Delegates from more than 50 countries have participated in these conferences. Papers from these annual conferences together with submissions from clinicians worldwide provide highly relevant and topical material for what has over the last decade become a respected resource in the field of clinical legal education." From IJCE Website 


"The quarterly Journal of Legal Education, JLE, published since 1948, is made available without cost to full-time faculty at member schools through the courtesy of West and Foundation Press, which print the Journal. The Journal is edited for a term of years by faculty at a member school or schools. Currently, Northeastern University School of Law and University of Washington School of Law are providing the editorial leadership, as well as administrative and financial support. The AALS provides some financial and mailing support. An editorial board of 12 faculty members reviews submissions and provides policy advice.The Journal addresses issues confronting legal educators, including curriculum development, teaching methods and scholarship, and serves as an outlet for emerging areas of scholarship and teaching." From JLE Website

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